Even in the age of online shopping, many people still have to go out and about to get some of the merchandise they need. Also, people do have to go to other businesses and public areas in order to do other errands. Of course, sometimes people are out and about just to...
Fighting For The Injured For Over 25 Years
Personal injury
Rear end collision in Haines City kills two, injures one
Rear end collisions can often by blamed on some form of negligence by the rearmost driver. Excess speed, driver inattention, alcohol or drug impairment, and mechanical malfunction are high on the list of probable causes. In spite of these accepted explanations, a...
Look for signs of traumatic brain injury in young crash victims
Motor vehicle crash injuries are one of the leading causes of death for children in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 675 children, age 12 and under, were killed in crashes in 2017, and 116,000 were injured. The CDC says...